Frank Byrd, CFA
Dec 29, 2018
A Gift, Not a Lump of Coal
“... our job is to help you be greedy when others are frightened, and cautious when others are greedy... Correction can be a scary...

Frank Byrd, CFA
Nov 21, 2018
What Is Happening?
“When the collective consciousness stops believing growth can be created by money and debt expansion, the entire medium will fall apart...

Frank Byrd, CFA
Nov 20, 2018
Welcome Our New Partner Steve Korn
It is with great pride and excitement that I announce Stephen Korn is joining Fielder as a Partner. Steve and I met 20 years ago as students

Frank Byrd, CFA
Sep 30, 2018
Stock and Bond Prices – Real or Manipulated?
“In the 1950's and 1960's, political leaders enjoyed much more public trust than they do today, enabling tougher economic decisions to be...

Peter Cook, CFP, CFA and Frank Byrd, CFA
Jul 21, 2018
2 Tax Advantaged Giving Strategies
Char “Virtue isn't in just being nice to people others are prone to care about. So true virtue lies mostly in also being nice to those...

Frank Byrd, CFA
May 14, 2018
Safe Haven Impostors
“More great fortunes are made during bad times than good times.” -- Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind This quote is in honor of Richard...

Frank Byrd, CFA
Apr 22, 2018
The Thing about Artists
Amen of the Week From Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman CEO of Alibaba, on the flawed logic behind today’s brewing trade war: “The...

Frank Byrd, CFA
Feb 28, 2018
The 10% Lie
The 10% Lie OK, maybe “lie” is a strong word. A more genteel label is “mischaracterization of the facts”. Financial advisers have a nasty...

Frank Byrd, CFA and Peter Cook, CFA, CFP
Feb 2, 2018
"Own It" (but Title It Properly)
Amen of the Week: "I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do. One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is...

Peter Cook, CFP, CFA
Dec 22, 2017
Tax Reform – What Can You Change? What Must You Accept?
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”...