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Record Failures of '23

Frank Byrd, CFA


“Every victory is only the price of admission to a more difficult problem”

― Henry Kissinger 


Markets hit new highs recently now that inflation appears to be under control. To Kissinger's point, does a more difficult problem await us? The following three images suggest that could be the case . . .

Bank Troubles

Last year was a record for bank failures -- surpassing even 2008. Somehow this bit of trivia has escaped the broad public's attention. Three of the four largest banks failures in history all happened in 2023. We fear the full ramifications are not behind us. Per the chart below, commercial loans (green line) continue to languish, especially in comparison to growing federal borrowing (red line):

Banks are struggling with deteriorating real estate loans on their balance sheet (especially those backing office buildings). Making matters worse, banks face increasingly onerous regulatory capital requirements, which make it more expensive to hold commercial loans on their balance sheets. No surprise, banks have been less willing to lend to businesses. This is a headwind for economic growth.  

Debt Doubles

Washington is on track to more than double its pre-COVID debt levels within the coming decade:

(These are Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasts, which we believe are optimistic.) 

Crowding Out

Finally, it's worth noting that the interest expense on federal debt will soon exceed defense spending according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).  

As interest expense consumes a growing portion of Washington's budget, important spending could get crowded out - not just defense, but ultimately critical social programs such as Medicare or Social Security.  Steve and I summarize how Fielder is positioning client portfolios given these crosscurrents in this short video:

Yours in the Field,    

Frank Byrd, CFA                 


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*Information as of August 1, 2024. The reference to “assets” means regulatory Assets Under Management. The Worth rating is compiled by Worth Media Group in collaboration with Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and was awarded in May 2024. The USA Today rating is compiled USA Today in collaboration with Statistica, Inc. and was awarded in April 2024. Both rankings are based on information from advisers’ most recent SEC filings among other factors. For more information on Worth’s selection criteria, see its methodology HERE. For more information on USA Today’s selection criteria, see its methodology HERE. Third-party awards, rankings, and recognitions are no guarantee that a client or prospective client will experience a certain level of results or investment success if Fielder Capital Group (“Fielder”) is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. Such ratings are not an endorsement of the advisor by any client or prospective client, nor should they be interpreted as representative of any one client’s experience since these ratings may merely reflect a sample of all of the experiences of Fielder’s clients. Rankings published by magazines and others are often based on quantitative factors and information prepared by the recognized advisor. Fielder never pays a fee to be considered for any ranking or recognition but may purchase plaques or reprints to publicize rankings. 

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