Inflation in 7 Pictures

Markets have declined broadly in the last several weeks. The reason is inflation. In this video, we describe in just 7 minutes with 7 pictures what we believe matters most:
For several years, Fielder has warned in our notes that inflation and volatility were the likely outcome of Washington’s fiscal and monetary policies (under three different administrations, it’s worth noting). Today we appear vindicated in our concerns. Many blame inflation on COVID and Ukraine. Granted, these events are the sparks that ignited the fire. They are not, however, the fuel (i.e.: the secular forces underlying the structural causes – which we explain visually in our video).
Fortunately, there are signs that inflation pressures may be easing – at least in the near-term. We remain concerned, however, by the longer-term threats of inflation based upon the path Washington appears committed to remain traveling down (fiscally and monetarily).
We believe these words from Milton Friedman back in 1980 are equally relevant today:
“Inflation is just like alcoholism. In both cases, when you start drinking or when you start printing too much money, the good effects come first, the bad effects only come later. That is why, in both cases, there is a strong temptation to overdo it—to drink too much or to print too much money. When it comes to the cure, it is the other way about. When you stop drinking, or when you stop printing money, the bad effects come first and the good effects only come later. That is why it is so hard to persist with the cure.” Milton Friedman, “Why Inflation Is Like Alcoholism”
Yours in the Field,

Frank Byrd, CFA Steve Korn, CFA
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