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Your Best Defense

Frank Byrd, CFA

Amen of the Week

“If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” - George Washington

Happy President’s Day! We recently published Fielder’s latest investor letter: "The Best Defense". Here are a few excerpts ...

“Welcome to another bear market… The Russell 2000 (the small cap index) and the MSCI EAFE (international index) have both fallen by over 20% since July… I’m not losing sleep over the fact that we’re in a bear market. Ugly markets are nothing new to me. During the market declines in 1990, 1997, 2000, and even 2008, I felt a cleansing – as if lower prices were wiping out the excesses and creating some compelling buying opportunities. Today, however, I have a different feeling – an uneasy feeling… there are secular changes afoot that deeply disturb me…

There is no easy path back to normal… The most important price in our economy, interest rates (the price of money), has long been under government control. Now central bankers are adopting more aggressive price distortions: going from zero to negative interest rates. This is Twilight Zone stuff. Soon you may actually have to pay your bank or broker for the privilege of depositing (lending them) your money. Some banks' customers already are. This Financial Repression is unjust to savers, it retards economic growth, and it destabilizes society. Yet, it is the “easy” way out politically for governments to nominally meet their promises to entitlement recipients and creditors…

Ironically, the best way to protect yourself against this pessimistic outlook is to adopt an optimist’s attitude. Yes, there is an assault coming upon owners of capital. Your best defense, though, is a strong offense.

Read the full letter HERE.

An Ode to a Great Founder

Today we commemorate George Washington. (For those of you under the age of 40, you probably never learned anything about him in school. He’s the guy on the dollar bill.) As bleak and uncertain as the future looks today, just imagine how much worse it must have seemed back in George's day. America’s greatest years of growth and progress were also its messiest and most volatile. Pessimists of the day surely seemed wise for their worry. There was constant threat of war, accelerating inflation, and even a Whiskey Rebellion, of all things!

Through it all, there were people who tuned out the negative noise and focused on building and investing in the great enterprises. The prosperity that our society enjoys today owes everything to those naive souls – the optimists who didn’t know any better than to look for and expect the best. These kind of people will always exist. May Washington’s beloved homeland continue to attract and retain them!

Yours in the Field,

Frank Byrd, CFA


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© 2024 by Fielder Capital Group LLC

*Information as of August 1, 2024. The reference to “assets” means regulatory Assets Under Management. The Worth rating is compiled by Worth Media Group in collaboration with Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and was awarded in May 2024. The USA Today rating is compiled USA Today in collaboration with Statistica, Inc. and was awarded in April 2024. Both rankings are based on information from advisers’ most recent SEC filings among other factors. For more information on Worth’s selection criteria, see its methodology HERE. For more information on USA Today’s selection criteria, see its methodology HERE. Third-party awards, rankings, and recognitions are no guarantee that a client or prospective client will experience a certain level of results or investment success if Fielder Capital Group (“Fielder”) is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. Such ratings are not an endorsement of the advisor by any client or prospective client, nor should they be interpreted as representative of any one client’s experience since these ratings may merely reflect a sample of all of the experiences of Fielder’s clients. Rankings published by magazines and others are often based on quantitative factors and information prepared by the recognized advisor. Fielder never pays a fee to be considered for any ranking or recognition but may purchase plaques or reprints to publicize rankings. 

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