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Greece for Our Engine?

Frank Byrd, CFA

This week I was catching up with a good friend who founded and built a successful lawn care company. He relayed a story that had happened to him earlier that day. While speaking to a customer, he mentioned that he had started his career at Merrill Lynch. This prompted the customer to plead, “My adviser stinks. What advice do you have for how to invest in these crazy markets?” My friend replied, “My advice is don’t ask your lawn guy for investment advice.”

With so many “experts” loading up client portfolios with increasingly risky yield assets (just as interest rates hover near historic lows), I’m not so sure that a lawn guy’s advice could be much worse.

Chart of the Week

The following chart illustrates that nothing is more important than China to the world’s economy … certainly not Greece.

Global GDP has grown 17% since 2008, yet backing out China’s 73% growth, the rest of the world’s GDP is still 1% below 2008’s. (And that’s not even accounting for inflation. Wait, I forgot. We haven’t had any of that.)

Amen of the Week

“Once bad news accumulates, more tends to follow.”

“If you own something you think is bad, sell it today because tomorrow it will be worse.”

- Ace Greenburg, former Chairman of Bear Stearns The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns (pp. 142, 196)

Yours in the Field,

Frank Byrd, CFA


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*Information as of August 1, 2024. The reference to “assets” means regulatory Assets Under Management. The Worth rating is compiled by Worth Media Group in collaboration with Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and was awarded in May 2024. The USA Today rating is compiled USA Today in collaboration with Statistica, Inc. and was awarded in April 2024. Both rankings are based on information from advisers’ most recent SEC filings among other factors. For more information on Worth’s selection criteria, see its methodology HERE. For more information on USA Today’s selection criteria, see its methodology HERE. Third-party awards, rankings, and recognitions are no guarantee that a client or prospective client will experience a certain level of results or investment success if Fielder Capital Group (“Fielder”) is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. Such ratings are not an endorsement of the advisor by any client or prospective client, nor should they be interpreted as representative of any one client’s experience since these ratings may merely reflect a sample of all of the experiences of Fielder’s clients. Rankings published by magazines and others are often based on quantitative factors and information prepared by the recognized advisor. Fielder never pays a fee to be considered for any ranking or recognition but may purchase plaques or reprints to publicize rankings. 

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